Saturday, July 16, 2011

Best Movie I've seen in Awhile

I know I'm a little late to the game and everyone and their mother has already seen Inception but I FINALLY saw it last night.My husband and I rarely agree on a movie but we both wanted to see this one. Last time we watched True Grit - which HE picked out, we did both agree that one SUCKED. I'm a Sci-fi nerd so this was perfect for me.         Visionary filmmaker Christopher Nolan...

Homemade Sodas

I'm one of those mean mommies that doesn't let me kids drink Coke or Colas unless it's a special occasion like Christmas or their Birthdays. However I do make them homemade sodas. So easy and delicious too! I take club soda and fill up the glass 3/4 and add fresh juice or pulp. I also like to use the Mango Juicy Juice when it's on sale. This is DELICIOUS, cheap, and a Much healthier version of a soda. The...

and the Winners are....

for Wanna Get Lucky & Lucky Stiff.  ( I absolutely love these books!!) Is Lmbrunken    and for Island Girl is                              Lissyta Both winners have been emailed and have 48 hrs to get back with me. Congrats!!...

Dark Corners Review & 2 Book Giveaway

      Dark Corners Description   Ella Reynolds knew from the first moment she walked into the old house someone or something was watching her. Waiting. Her husband's violent murder sent her spiraling into a world of grief and isolation, but Ella isn't alone. Who or what is responsible for her husband's death is still with her. Darkness has engulfed the past year of Ella's life. Everyday...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Summertime Crafts for Kids

Summertime Crafts for KidsGuest post by Rachel PaxtonROCK PAPERWEIGHTS Give each child a rock that has been washed with soap and dried. Have the children decorate the rocks with craft paint to create their own unique paperweights. MASKS Cut 8 ½ x 11 pieces of paper in half. Give each child a piece of paper and a crayon or marker. Have each child fold their piece of paper in half and cut a hole that their...

Bill Clinton, Keynote Speaker at Walden University, Receives Another Honorary Degree

I was reading on today that Bill Clinton will be the keynote speaker at Walden University’s commencement on July 30, 2011. Walden plans to confer President Clinton with an honorary doctorate in recognition of his commitment to civic engagement, youth leadership and education.  According to Wikipedia, "An honorary degree[..] is an academic degree for which a university (or other degree-awarding institution) has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence, study, and the passing of examinations.".....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sweet Chic: Stylish Treats to Dress Up for Any Occasion Book Review

Sweet Chic: Stylish Treats to Dress Up for Any Occasion DRESSED TO THE NINES Today's baker faces a great challenge: With little time and a limited repertoire, she often needs to whip up a delicious dessert that's dressed to impress. Rachel Schifter Thebault, founder and head confectioner of Tribeca Treats in New York City, knows all about making a sweet statement. Combining a confectioner's expertise with fashion...

Going Camping at a Spring.

Yay! We are getting ready to go camping. I am so excited because we usually go in the fall since this is our busy time of year (landscaping business) but we're going to steal a weekend away. My husband just bought a new mower for the business and it's HUGE. It is making it to where my husband has more time. We're going to one of the many springs here in Florida. I think we're going to Salt Springs, or Ichetucknee Springs...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Lipstuff review & 6pk lipbalm Giveaway

I love lip balms. Everyone in my family does. I always have one on the counter, one in my purse, and another in our truck & car.So I'd say I'm an expert in all things lip balm related. I'm also a lip balm snob. I don't like the ones you buy standing in line at the check out. Nope, those just don't do it for me. I was super excited when I got my lip balms from in the mail.They have over...

Homemade Baby food Tips and Ideas

Homemade Baby food Tips and IdeasGuest post by Rosilind Jukic Being a mom of an infant is not easy.  Add to that the stress of trying to cook baby meals and adult meals everyday.  As if mom's don't have enough on their plate with cleaning, laundry, diapers, etc.   Have you decided to scrap the baby food isle and go with homemade baby food?  It...

Pandora's Box Tour, Review, & e- Book Giveaway Winner!!

To view this animated banner you need to have Flash Player 9 or newer installed and JavaScript enabled. BannerSnack is a professional, easy to use Flash & <a href="" title="BannerSnack - Free banner maker">GIF creator</a>...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Balancing the writer within you against being a mom and wife.

Balancing the writer within you against being a mom and wife. I am Super Mom! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, I can get the munchkin off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons.  I can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime... And, I still find time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). I can do all of this and still have time to write my novels. Sorry… I can't even write that with a straight face. Lies...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

and the winner is...

lag 123 won an ebook copy of Veiled!  I have emailed her! Remember this is our book of the month so please join us on the community to talk about it.  You can purchase it HERE...


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