Saturday, June 26, 2010

Out of the Mouth of babes

This is my youngest, my sweet baby who is 3. She says what is on her mind, no matter who is around. This can become quite embarrassing. When I tell my husband this he laughs and thinks it's hilarious. I almost named this post revenge on daddy.... My husband went to the grocery store with us the other day, which he NEVER does so that in it's self was an experience. When we were leaving we saw a lady (I use...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Recipes That Make You Feel Better

By Judith J. Wurtman, PhD and Nina T. Frusztajer, MD, Authors of The Serotonin Power Diet: Eat Carbs -- Nature's Own Appetite Suppressant -- to Stop Emotional Overeating and Halt Antidepressant-Associated Weight Gain There are some evenings when we all wish our Moms were in the kitchen cooking a meal that would make us feel better. We are too old to be fretting over a bad test grade or nasty remark from someone on...

Paul is Undead Blog Tour

The review for this is on my book blog. This blog was accidentally listed as the host To read the Review Visit HE...

Here are 11 ideas parents can use to keep young minds active during the summer months:

1. Boredom Buster Jar: At the beginning of the summer, sit down with your family and brainstorm a list of activities that can be done alone or that you can enjoy doing together. Encourage your children to share their own ideas and help you decorate and label a simple jar as the family "Boredom Buster Jar." They'll feel more involved in the project and more likely to think this is a "neat" idea, if they participate...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who needs a Vacay?

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Kissimmee Tourism. All opinions are 100% mine. I've grown up in Florida my entire life and I've traveled all over this beautiful state and I know the best places to stay. Many times when we go to visit the mouse or the whales in Orlando we stay in Kissimmee.  It isn't far from Orlando at all and the hotels are A LOT cheaper and they  have shuttles to...

Take Control of your Clutter Review & Ebook Giveaway!

If you could ask a professional organizer one question about a organization challenge that you have at home, or a personal time management issue, what would it be? I myself am a recovering messy. I'm not nearly as chaotic and messy as it's in my nature to be but it's a constant challenge to be organized. Did I mention I'm married to a clean freak? That is a match made in, well you can imagine. I've come a LONG way...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Secret Lives of Husbands and Wives Book Tour

I accidentally signed up for this tour under Taking Time for Mommy but the review is at my other blog Mommy Reads too Muc...

**FREEBIE ALERT** Free can of Libby's Veggies

Get a FREE can of Libby's Veggies From RED PLUM HERE Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes every mom should take a little time for hersel...

*Save $$ ALERT* $1.00/1 Tropicana Trop50

Click HERE to print this coupon just released for $1.00/1 Carton Tropicana Trop50 Product (59 oz). This goes on sale for $2.00 or less regularly which is a GREAT deal for Orange Juice. Hurry and print it (you can print it twice). Printable coupons all have a print limit and can go very quickly! Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Free Sample of Sore No More

Try a Free Sample of Sore No More HERE Get Free shipping when you sign up as a Sore No More Fan on Facebook Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes every mom should take a little time for hersel...

Love this Series!! High Drama 2

I recently came across this show online."High Drama 2" is an original web series only available on I didn't even know there were show exclusive to the web. This show is called High Drama and I honestly can't believe this isn't on t.v.! This is the 2nd season. "High Drama 2" follows the theater company of Freedom High School in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as they put on their best show yet: The Wizard of...

Estee Lauder: Free Advanced Night Repair Cream

I love Freebies! Mark your Calendars!This one is good on Thursday July 22nd 5pm - 9pm Visit any participating Estee Lauder counter and get a FREE 10-day supply of Advanced Night Repair Cream or Face Serum. No purchase necessary!  Go HERE to find a store near you! Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes every mom should...

Summer Hair Care Tips

Growing up in Florida, I've spent a lot of time at the beach and swimming in pools. It will reek havoc on your hair leaving it brittle and breaking. Here are a few tips to make sure this doesn't happen to you. Make sure you are using a layer of protection for your hair like a leave in conditioner. They even have products now that have a SPF and are specifically made forprotecting your hair from the sun. Wash your...

Avoiding Refined Sugar Helps Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

By Keith I. Block, M.D., Author of Life Over Cancer: The Block Center Program for Integrative Cancer Treatment Several years ago, we saw tremendous growth in the consumption of fat-free and low-fat products. Believing we now had "healthier" versions of everything from salad dressings to our favorite desserts, these products began flying off the shelves, and formerly "forbidden" foods for those watching their diets became...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Review & Interview: Well Fed Family: Breads

If you’ve been following my healthy eating articles, you’ll be familiar with my whole foods guru, Lee. Lee and her sister, Amy, have produced the first in a series of DVDs that explore the fundamentals of whole foods cooking and eating. This DVD, subtitled Breads, covers the essentials of baking fresh breads for your family—everything from sandwich breads to tortillas—using soaked grains and entirely natural ingredients. It’s...

Free T-shirt (Summer Reading Program for the kids)

Great way to keep the kids busy and earn themselves a colorful He Buddy t-shirt. Really cute site too! Here Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes every mom should take a little time for herse...

$25 Sam’s Club Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies Review and Giveaway

RUsing - Winner is #3 Mami2jcn Congrats!!It’s 7 p.m. when your child informs you that they need baked goods to share with the whole class tomorrow. Sound familiar? How often have you been hit with the need for last-minute baking when there simply isn’t enough time? Pillsbury comes to the rescue with Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies, available exclusively at Sam’s Club. With a taste as delicious...

Get a Full Year of BHG & a free gift for $5.99

This is an awesome DEAL!!Get a full year (12 issues) for just $5.99! Plus you get our new Better Homes and Gardens® All-Time Favorites Cookbook absolutely FREE! HERE Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking Time for Mommy & Mommy Reads too Much. She's a homeschooling mom of 2 girls and believes every mom should take a little time for hersel...

FREE SAMPLE Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew

With Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew, you can have a premium cup of instant coffee that’s rich and full-bodied - like our fresh-brewed Starbucks® coffee. Starbucks VIA® is a blend of instant and microground coffee using 100% natural roasted arabica beans. You can enjoy Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew any time you want, and anywhere you want. Just pour a convenient single-serve packet into your favorite cup, add hot water, stir...


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