Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PartyLite Review and Giveaway

It’s no secret that I’m a candle addict. I was extremely excited when I got the chance to review the candles for PartyLite. If you know nothing about PartyLite candles you need to know they are NOTHING like the candles in Wal-Mart. PartyLite candles are packed with scent!The scents are available in several different sizes and broken up into different categories: Fruits & Citrus, Edible & Spicy, Floral, Fresh...

Free Holiday Music (Limited Time Only)

Free Holiday Music (Limited Time Only)by Laquita BergeronGlade is offering free holiday music until January 10, 2010.Enter 12 digit UPC to receive your free holiday music downloads:Just enter a UPC on the site and download away!Here are the UPC's for youBayberry Spice UPC 046500708633Homemade Gingerbread UPC046500709715Peppermint Crush UPC 046500708466HollyBerry Wreath UPC is a walmart exclusive item and so far not online...Note:...

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure: Part 4

My Couponing Adventure: Part 4: Putting It All Into Practice By Tawdra KandleYou might recall that my goal was to actually get out there and use these lovely, valuable coupons this week. So. . .here’s my weekly log:SUNDAY: I came home from church and grabbed the Sunday paper out from under my husband’s very nose. I spread out on the living room floor, first separating all the sections I needed (coupons, ads, comics....

Guerilla Mom Tactics

Guerilla Mom Tacticsby Tawdra KandleBeing a mom has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. It’s rewarding, yes. . .fulfilling, and sprinkled with some of the brightest and most wonderful moments possible. But it’s also gut-wrenchingly, heartbreakingly tough.So it only stands to reason that every mom needs to have a few tricks up her sleeve. These are not the kind of things you read about in parenting magazines....

Fall Clutter Control in your Closet

Fall Clutter Control in Your ClosetBy: Marilyn BohnAn aunt visited us a few years ago just after we had our living room carpet replaced with blue carpeting. As we visited she said she didn’t like the color blue. I was amazed that anyone could not like the color blue. After all the sky is blue and the ocean is blue.Now I have no room to talk as I don’t’ like the color brown—in textiles anyway. I like beautiful wood. I...

Sticking to your Work out

Sticking to your work outby Carolyn LawrenceHaving trouble sticking to your work out regiment? Try adding a partner. Having someone with you while you work out can help you to stick to your program; while it manages to help you remain accountable. In other words, by having a buddy, you are less likely to cheat.According to a survey conducted by 24 hour fitness by StrategyOne, eighty per cent of individuals in a fitness...

Monday, October 26, 2009

How To Make Apple, Banana and Pumpkin Butters

Canning - How To Make Apple, Banana and Pumpkin ButtersBy: Shelly Hill During the fall months, I look forward to going to our local orchard and purchasing some fresh fruits and vegetables. After I get home, I enjoy getting out my water bath canner and canning supplies, and making up a few batches of various butters. Canning is a lot easier than it sounds and making butters is great for beginners. You can find various...

Thrifty Tips

Did you know if you slice potatoes like medallions and lay them on your eyes like you would a cucumber they help bleach out the dark circles under your ey...

The BlackBerry Diaries Review

Book Review for The BlackBerry DiariesAdventures in Modern Motherhoodby Mandie StevensToddlers and technology – Not So Different!Owning a Blackberry® smartphone is a little like adding another child to your family. The device is constantly buzzing, poking, and distracting its owner from whatever it is she’s trying to accomplish. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the uncooperative two-year-old hanging off mom’s leg at...


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Tawdra's Couponing Adventure Part 3

My Couponing Adventure: Part 3—The Plan’s The Thingby Tawdra KandleNow that I had conquered (or at least tamed) the art of organizing my coupons, it was time to make a plan for actually using them.In my past attempts, this part was my downfall. To be perfectly honest (and the experts admit to this), serious couponing requires serious time, even beyond the clipping and organizing. There are so many stores, each offering...

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure Part 2

My Coupon AdventurePart 2: The First Steps: SO MANY COUPONS!!by Tawdra KandleI came home from my coupon class just bursting with good ideas and money saving wisdom.I couldn’t wait to put it all into practice!But the first steps are often the hardest. I had to undertake the monumental task of organizing my coupons.I used to keep my coupons in one of those handy little organizers. If you’re only a recreational couponer,...

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure Part 1

My Coupon Adventureby Tawdra Kandle Chapter One: The ClassCoupons are not new to me. I grew up with a mom who clipped them and used them. . .well, sporadically, at least. She was an enthusiastic clipper, but she frequently left them sitting on the counter instead of taking them to the grocery store.In my life as a wife and mom, I’ve always clipped coupons, too. I always loved the little rush I got when I really saved...


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