Friday, March 12, 2010

How long does your makeup last?

Do you own that lipstick that can only be worn around Christmas because any other time you look like a working girl? Or own an eyeshadow you hardly wear but can't bring yourself to throw away because the color has been discontinued?Well, did you know that old makeup can harbor harmful bacteria,yeast, and fungi that grow on their surface and transfer to you when you use it?How long does makeup last?Here are some general...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Have Kid, Will Travel

My three younger kids and I were in New Orleans last week. It’s one of our favorite spots to visit—definitely one of my favorite cities of all time. As we strolled the French Quarter, I caught several raised eyebrows and curious glances. I was reminded of another trip to the city, when a woman standing behind us in line at a restaurant asked me why on earth I would bring my children with me to New Orleans.I was really...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Giveaways Galore

Here is our Weekly Linky. I'm asking other Bloggers to put there Giveaways here for my readers. They will go in Monday's newsletter!I'll be signing up them all of them, I hope you will too! I won 3 last we...

Ten Tips that Will Change How You Look and Feel About Beauty

Ten Tips that Will Change How You Look and Feel About BeautyBy Vivian Diller Ph.D. with Jill Muir-Sukenick Ph.D., edited by Michele Willens,Authors of Face It: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change Face it: there is no magic solution to aging with grace and dignity. Having just written a book offering guidance to millions of women who feel trapped by conflicting feelings, we think we are on to something. We have...

Monday, March 8, 2010

To Sin with a Scoundrel Giveaway & Blog Tour!

A reclusive widow known for her scientific scholarship, Lady Ciara Sheffield is shadowed by rumors that she poisoned her husband . . . A rakehell rogue notorious for his devil-may-care antics, Lucas Bingham--the Earl of Hadley--is not accused of murdering anything--savefor the rules of Polite Society. The only thing they have in common isseeing their names featured in the lurid gossip columns of London'snewspapers....

Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk Review & Giveaway

The newest addition to Horizon’s extensive line of dairy products is the new Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3. Available in lowfat half gallons, this chocolate milk provides a great tasting and easy way to add calcium and DHA to your family’s diet.What is DHA?DHA belongs to a category of healthy fatty acids known as Omega-3s.Found in high concentrations in the tissues of the brain and eye, DHA...

Guest post by Author Kim Crouch - TAKE TIME FOR MOMMY

TAKE TIME FOR MOMMYLet’s face it. Women have taken on every role society has to offer. There has not been a time when we have said no to a challenge. The plight of women in modern society could be described as the evolution of the superwoman. This is particularly true of those of us with kids.We are mothers, teachers, doctors, wives, sisters, actresses, musicians, directors and everything in between. There is no doubt...


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