Saturday, June 25, 2011

Female Friendship & Loyalty

Despite their many differences, Rizzoli & Isles are best friends with a peculiar and compassionate relationship. As exec-producer Janet Tamaro explains, "There's something rare about their relationship that I see in the world but not enough on television: two smart, strong, competent women who instinctively drop the protective shield when they're with each other." I think it's really special when you can find...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Keys to the Kingdom Book Review

FORMER SENATOR JOHN BILLINGTON KNEW WRITING THIS NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED PIECE MIGHT GET HIM KILLED . . . July 6th The congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks left several secrets unanswered. The top three are Saudi Arabia's full role in the preparation for and the execution of the plot; the Kingdom's willingness and capacity to collaborate in future terrorist actions against the United States; and why this and...

What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?

I love summer. It's a great time for fun family activities. This summer, however, the smoke from wildfires near our house have been keeping us indoors. Recently, my 11 and 14 year olds have been releasing the pent up energy from being stuck inside to make videos. So far, they've made a music video using the song "Hot & Cold" by Katy Perry, and they've also made a super cute, short thriller film with a killer teddy...

And the Winners are....

For the I love Daddy Giveaway Are.....       $59.95 Voucher - Robin Blankenship        $59.95 Voucher - Super Saver Mama          $15 Vouchers - Annette DoggettRita MeltonLesliMeridithMona Gargstephanie millerLynda ClarkDana WestKendra22                                                                                   ...

Island Girl Book Review and Giveaway

                               About Island Girl What Would You Do If You Were Told You Had Alzheimer’s?  Island Girl is the emotionally riveting story of a 55 year old mother, Ruby Donaldson, fighting to reunite her family as she struggles with the diagnosis...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lucky Stiff & Wanna get Lucky Book Reviews & Giveaway

Wanna Get Lucky - A young woman plunges from a Las Vegas sightseeing helicopter, landing in the Pirate’s lagoon in front of the Treasure Island Hotel in the middle of the 8:30 Pirate Show.  Almost everyone writes her off as another Vegas victim.  But Lucky O’Toole smells a rat.  She’s head of Customer Relations at The Babylon, the newest, most opulent mega-casino and resort on the Strip, so...

Looking for Reviewers

Time 4 Mommy Reviewers   Are you looking for Review opportunities? Join our group to be connected with product and book sponsors. Request to Join HERE...

Need webhosting

    I have a few projects in the works (more on that later hehe) and I'm looking for web hosting. With this site and our community I'm VERY busy so I need managed hosting so I don't have to worry about backing anything up or monitoring my servers.     Since I will have a few sites (& hosting them for others) I'm actually thinking of purchasing a server and having it sent for colocation. That's where they will house my server where it will be secure and temperature controlled. But I'm not 100%...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Veiled - Our Book Club pick for July & Giveaway

     Can love survive the forgetting effects of the Veil? "I have always existed, not just me but all of us,the spirits who wait to live."  Tess is an unborn spirit, who is about to embark on a much awaited journey into mortality to a brand new planet called Earth.  She is chosen by the Eternals for an important mission, and is put through rigorous training, which exposes her to some...

and the Winner is....

Winner for the Silk coupon and a Silk branded Chicobag Is....Tina! I have contacted her and she has 48 hrs to get back with ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And the Winners are....

                                                                   Jen S. & AEKZ2  ...

Time 4 Mommy Tuesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Time 4 Mommy's Tuesday Blog Hop. Find Great Blogs to follow and Gain new followers! To participate, Follow your Host Time 4 Mommy on GFC, leave your blog link Below, and follow the blogs listed ...

PSA - Kids and Water

  Yesterday I was at a birthday party and someone asked me to watch their baby. Well I didn't know the baby was mobile and the next thing I knew he was at the edge of the water.   This could have been bad, very very bad. Luckily it wasn't, he just wanted to be with all of the other kids. It just takes a split second for something to go wrong with kids and water.     If you have a pool PLEASE...

Pregnancy Planner Review & Giveaway

Sponsored by Family Facts - Pregnancy Organizer & PlannerProduct Description Becoming a mom is extraordinarily exciting! However, with so much to accomplish before the baby arrives it can also be hugely overwhelming and the Family Facts Pregnancy Organizer & Planner can help her get organized before the baby arrives. With the Family Facts Pregnancy Organizer & Planner, everything...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Love My Daddy Giveaway Hop! June 16th - 19th 12 - Winners!!

      I'm so excited That has offered us such a generous prize for multiple winners for their custom bobbleheads for our Father's Day Giveaway!  1 MiniMe is allowing us to give away  2 - $59.90 vouchers & 10 - $15 Vouchers towards their Custom Bobble heads. This is an amazing product perfect for any occasion and I personally couldn't think of anything better to...

New Look on the Community & Meme Monday

Be sure to stop by Time 4 Mommy Community and see our new look :) Welcome to Time 4 Mommy's weekly Meme. To participate, Grab our Button and answer the questions on your blog Don't forget to add your link below so we can all see what you have to say. If you don't have a blog, post your answers HERE ***Only add your link on here if you are participating in the MeMe*** Every Monday I'll add three questions, the first...


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