Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shushybye Book Review & Giveaway

I recently reviewed Shushybye Sleepover Surprise book, and Close Your Eyes CD, by The Shushybye Dream Band. I received this with no other compensation.About ShushybyeEstablished in January 2004, the Shushybye Company is proud to present shushybye, the original child-parent interactive sleeptime multi-media and bedtime product entertainment and lifestyle brand. The Shushybye Company developed and launched shushybye to...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jamaican Chicken Burgers

Jamaican Chicken Burgers Prep Time: 24 minutesOther Time: 30 minutesYield: Makes 4 servingsIngredients1 pound ground chicken*1/4 cup mayonnaise1 tablespoon grated onion1 1/2 teaspoons Jamaican jerk seasoning1/2 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon vegetable oil4 hamburger bunsToppings: fresh mango slices, lettuce leaves, sweet-hot picklesPreparation1. Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. Shape into 4 (3-inch) patties. Cover...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sixty Uses for Salt

Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a greatnumber of uses other than simply seasoning your food. Thefollowing list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of whichyou probably didn't realize:1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.2. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.3. Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales willcome off easier.4. Put a few grains of rice in...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Homeschooling.Part 4

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Homeschooling. . .. . .But Were Afraid to Ask. . .Part 4: Am I Out Here on My Own?As I said a few articles back, when we began our homeschooling journey, by and large we were on our own. We knew of a few other families who were educating their kids at home or who had done so in the past. But there really wasn’t anyone to show us the way or give advice. For quite a while, I felt...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Giveaways Galore!

I love Giveaways! As a matter of fact I have won 4 this past week alone!Great way to stock up for Christmas and find out about new products.I'm asking other Bloggers to put there Giveaways here for my readers.I'll be signing up them all of them, I hope you will t...

Giving up on Perfection

At age 41, I’m a proud mother of two fantastic kids. Married to an amazing husband and trying my best to keep fit and healthy while trying to help others do the same.After my amazing results with P90X, I thought I was as close to perfect as I was going to get. Seeing that this was at age 40, I thought that was pretty darned good. But, life gets in the way and my fitness took a few steps back. I spent too much time on...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Free Kim Harrison's The Hollows SeriesDownload!

Kim Harrison's Newest Book - Black Magic Sanction the lastest book from the Rachel Morgan The Hollows series is finally out!I can't tell you how excited I am!Haven't read any of the Rachel Morgan series?Amazon has the first book in the series available for a Kindle download for FREE!Don't have a Kindle that's fine, you can also get the pc download, blackberry app, or iphone/ipad app HereGo HERE for the first book in...


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