Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being Grateful

Being Grateful by Tawdra Kandle As you might know from reading some of my previous articles, I am big into kids expressing appreciating and gratitude. I’m also very mindful of the fact that WE as parents are our kids’ first and most influential models. So in light of that. . .I’m grateful. . .for parents who raised me lovingly and strictly. They didn’t try to be my friends; they were always my parents, and I knew and...
We Love our Freebies here @ Taking Time for Mommy. Amazon is Giving away a $3 credit towards any of their mp3s Freebies from Amazon They also offer free music all of the time, just click the link above get your free music credit, then do a search for free music. You can find some great new artists!As always a special thanks to our Freebie Queen LaQuita for finding this for us.LaQuita is the owner of EveryDayMoms...

Organize Regular ‘Dates’ with your kids & Discover what Makes them Tick

Organize Regular ‘Dates’ with your kids & Discover what Makes them Tickby Claire McFee Author of Organize Your LifeIt’s a novel concept to schedule dates with our kids, but one that can not only have immeasurable rewards for all concerned, but in today's fast paced society is increasingly needed to ensure quality time together. Time set aside with your children one-on-one is worth its weight in gold. You will create...

A War Was Waged - Chore Charts

A War was waged. For quite awhile we were at an impasse. But my knight in shining armor came to save the day.I must admit, I was the one who invoked this battle to begin with, this battle in which I speak? Myself against 2 little princesses, 5 & 3. I woke up one morning and realized I no longer wanted to be under their rule, I no longer wanted to be their subject. So I formed an uprising. Okay I didn't form much...

Lovely Bones - A Book Review

My local book club is reading Lovely Bones for this month's selection. I wasn't exactly thrilled when it was picked due to the nature of the subject but boy was I wrong (you won't hear that from me much), this was a great book!The Lovely Bones is a 2002 novel by Alice Sebold. It's the story of a teenage girl who, after being brutally raped and murdered, watches from heaven as her family and friends go on with their lives,...


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