Friday, March 26, 2010

Six Secrets of Organized Moms

A mom often wears many hats, taxi driver, cook, housekeeper, bread-winner, shoulder to cry on, and more. So, how does mom juggle it all? The following are six secrets of organized moms to help make things easier:1. Routines. Organized moms serve dinner at the same time each night, have strict bed times, have after school routines with homework and socializing. If you want to be an organized mom, you have to have a routine...

2nd Disk Review & Giveaway!

Week two of my review of the One on One by Tony Horton work out series.Bikini season is around the corner and the people from Beach Body gave me the opportunity to review Tony Horton's newest DVD set. He's the guy behind Power 90, P90X, and 10 minute trainer.Anyway, they are also allowing me to give away a complete 13 disc set to a Taking Time for Mommy reader, a value of $239.40!!The 2nd disc is Power 90 Road warrior.Once...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Longer Thicker Lashes Naturally

Women want sexy lashes, they are a symbol of femininity. I know I do. We even go as far as buying fake lashes or using special mascaras to make them thicker and longer looking. There are a few different products to assist in helping grow your eyelashes like Latisse and Rapidlash, they can get a bit pricey, especially when you can do it naturally and quite inexpensively. 1. Improve your diet – With proper nutrition...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Plantings (with coupons)

We've been working hard in our yard. Freshening up our landscaping, planting fruit trees, and getting our veggies in the ground and in our veggie bins. We have several peppers, carrots, radishes, beans, several different types of lettuces and herbs. Fruits such as strawberries, thornless blackberry, a couple of different varies of grapes, papaya, figs, keylimes, limes, loquat, and many many blueberry plants!I'm extremely...

The Ten Commandments Of Parenting Teenagers

By Joanne Kimes and R.J. Colleary with Rebecca Rutledge, PhD,Authors of Teenagers Suck: What to do when missed curfews, texting, and "Mom can I have the keys?" make you miserableAs we all know and regret deeply, kids aren't born with instruction manuals informing us of the intricacies of how they work. As parents, our only option is to learn as we go. When our kids were babies, we learned to nap when they napped, to...

Learn the Right Way to Wear Your Bra

By Carole SoweThere are issues such as health, comfort and appearance concern when selecting a bra. It is important to get the right bra as they are part of an important body appearance of a woman which boosts her confidence, beauty and sex appeal. However, women often choose the wrong bra or often wear old bras that do not fit well anymore. It is good to invest in expensive good quality bras that will last longer and...


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