Thursday, July 15, 2010

2 Free Dora Ebooks for your preschooler

Nickelodeon and the National PTA have teamed up to help parents get their kids ready for their biggest adventure yet--kindergarten! My girls LOVE Dora & this is a great program. Take a quiz on Nick Jr.’s website to get a customized readiness plan for your preschooler. After taking the quiz, you can download two Free Dora books (just sign up for the free Dora’s Explorers Club) HERE Mandie Stevens is owner of Taking...

Outlast - Try for free & Enter to win a chance at a Designer Bag

I recently had a home party for Outlast Long Lasting Hand Sanitizer. We all got to try the product and watch the video. Check it out I couldn't believe regular sanitizer only lasts about 2 mins and Outlast lasts 6 hours, Yes, I said 6 HOURS. I go through hand sanitizer like crazy too - not any more! It isn't sticky and even has moisturizers. I'm a bit of a germaphobe so I'm loving this, I just wish I could bathe...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guest post from author Julia London

Taking Time for Mommy Thank you so much for inviting me to be here with ONE SEASON OF SUNSHINE today. I am very proud of this book, because I had to write it under some unusual circumstances. For starters, we had a sudden death in the family. Then, the deadline was moved up for some very good reasons, but still, it moved closer, and that’s enough stress for anyone. But then came the kicker…the resident three...

Monday, July 12, 2010

What's a pecksy?

This morning my girls and I were curled up in bed coming up with words.  It's something we do sometimes. We make up a word then create a meaning to it.  It's great fun for a 3 & 5 yr old. So this morning we can up with the work "Pecksy" Not quite sure where it came from, but it did.After about 30 mins we finally came up with a meaning... Pecksy - noun  A fried woodpecker sandwich smothered...

Simple Sangria Recipe

I felt inspired by my friends this week to post this since we all got together for a drink. This is a very easy recipe that you can build on and make your own. Ingredients 1 bottle of light- or medium-bodied red wine 2 cups lemonade 2 tablespoons sugar 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) brandy, optional 1 navel orange, thinly sliced 1/2 pint large, plump blackberries, strawberries or other berries 1 cup club soda Directions 1.Combine...

Tips for Cleaning your Dishwasher

How often do you clean your dishwasher? I mean really clean it? I'm sure you don't think much about it since you are putting all of those detergents in there, you probably assume it's going to be clean right?  Once we take our dishwasher completely apart and deep clean everything. I've found everything from tiny little fish bones to goo in the pipe - ewww.I don't suggest this unless you really...

Those Who Choose

{This was an essay I wrote about two years ago for my personal blog. I’m happy to report that those who chose then are still close to us now.} In the past few years, I have learned so many lessons. . .literally hard-learned ones! And don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for them, even if I didn’t know at the time I would be. One of the hardest lessons has been learning about those who choose. It is sweet, and it is...

CSN Store $80 Gift Card Giveaway!

I'm getting ready to redecorate my daughters' play room and I found this adorable Vanity.  I found it from CSN Stores  and I'm excited to announce that they are allowing me to give away an $80 gift card (one time use) that is good at any of their many stores.  Have you heard of them before? They offer EVERYTHING from baby & kids items, furniture, hand bags, even school items if...


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