Saturday, February 6, 2010

Free 11 Song Country Music Sampler

People Magazine is offering a free 11 song Country Music Sampler (an $11.19 value) with the code found here (it's posted right on their website, expires 4/9/10).LaQuita Bergeron is a mother of two beautiful spoiled children. She is a stay at home mom that works from home as a transcriber. She is also the owner of EveryDayMoms Social Netwo...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Homeschooling. .Part2

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Homeschooling. . .. . .But Were Afraid to AskPart 2: How?In Part One of this series, I discussed my own reasons for homeschooling—the Why? If you’re considering this lifestyle—and it truly is a lifestyle!—you may be wondering how to make it happen.Each state has laws governing how parents go about this process. When I lived in New Jersey, we were only responsible for informing...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Home Herb Garden For Cooking And Medicine **Video**

Once you have put together your home herb garden, whether it is in your backyard or in pots, you need to figure out what to do with your herbs. Making use of herbs from the garden is lots of fun and here we are going to focus on two essential ways: cooking and medicine. Some plants that are primarily used in cooking can also have healthy side effects, while conversely some plants that you thought were just for home remedies can also taste great.The first step in using the herbs from your home herb garden is to know the best...

Black Forest Coffee Recipe

Black Forest Coffee Make your own Gourmet Coffee6 oz Fresh brewed coffee 2 tb Chocolate syrup 1 tb Maraschino cherry juice Whipped cream Shaved chocolate/chips Maraschino cherries Combine coffee, chocolate syrup, and cherry juice in a cup; mix well. Top with whipped cream, chocolate shavings and a cherry. Deli...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Curried Banana Sauce

Curried Banana Sauce By: trixieGoes well with fish or chicken, or even over rice as a side dish. This recipe is so delicious and I always have bananas around here! ~Mandie Prep Time:15 MinCook Time:15 MinReady In:30 Min Original Recipe Yield 4 servingsIngredients1/2 teaspoon olive oil2 small ripe bananas, quartered1 shallot, quartered1 clove garlic, halved1/4 cup chopped sweet onion (such as Vidalia®)1 3/4 teaspoons...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Easing Breastfeeding Pain Naturally

Easing Breastfeeding Pain NaturallyBy Carrie LauthAlong with the benefits of breastfeeding such as exceptional nutrition for your baby and a close knit bond between mother and child, the mothers can often experience some sort of breast pain. It’s important to know what methods are a combination of effective, natural, and won’t harm baby or mom.Cracked or Dry Nipples and/or Areola:Cracked nipples can occur a number of...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston

Kelley Winslow is living her dream. Seventeen years old, she has moved to New York City and started work with a theatre company. Sure, she's an understudy for the Avalon Players, a third-tier repertory company so far off-Broadway it might as well be in Hoboken, but things are looking up—the lead has broken her ankle and Kelley's about to step into the role of Titania the Fairy Queen in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's...

Monday Meal Planning - What are you having?

I run my home like a business. Efficiently. I cut back where ever I can and keep the budget as tight at I can. That's why I plan a menu. Usually a week at a time but sometimes even up to a month depending on the season and how much I have bought it bulk.Here's what we are having this week... MondayFried Fish, Cheesy Grits, Mango and Spinach Salad with Keylime Honey Mustard DressingTuesdayBeef Barley and Vegetable SoupWednesday...


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