Friday, December 11, 2009

Crab and Corn Bisque - Hmmm Yum!

We eat a lot of soups during the Winter and this is one of my favorite recipes. I just made it the other night. One of my Favorite Recipes out of MY FAVORITE cookbook EVER! Seasonal Florida - A Taste of Life in North Florida. It has all of the recipes I've grown up with.Ingredients you will need -1 cup of unsalted butter1 cup of All-purpose flour4 cups of Shrimp stock - (I used Clam juice and the juice from canned crab)4...

Monday, December 7, 2009

But I'm skinny!!!

Well Kinda....... Sorry I've been away for awhile. I'm dealing with some health issues. We went shopping the other day & my sugar dropped, I was super anxious, it wasn't pretty.... my left eye was very blurry and I was extremely snappy! Oh the joys of Christmas shopping. Apparently I also have hypertension. My blood pressure peaks. Truely I thought this was something that only struck people who were over weight and...


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