Saturday, January 30, 2010

Home made Donuts - My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I absolutely LOVE donuts (or doughnuts as my wonderful husband points out.) I can polish off a dozen by myself so I don't make them or buy them very often. But when I do I gorge on them. In my sugar coma, I feel like I'm have my own little slice of Heaven. Here is a Recipe I use from Cooks.com1 c. milk, scalded 2 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. brown sugar 1 pkg. yeast 3 c. flour 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 egg Confectioners'...

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Language of Love & Respect - My Review

I received a complimentary copy ofThe Language of Love and Respect from Thomas Nelson for review. Maybe it was the crazy holiday season at my house but it took me FOREVER to get through this book and I can usually read a book this size in a day or two. It just couldn't hold my attention and at times I thought it was repeating itself. Over all I give this book a "B+" because it really does offer a lot of great advice!I...

Decopauge - How To Make A Valentine's Day Flower Vase

I just love crafting up new items for Valentine's Day and a few days ago I decided to decorate a new vase for myself...after all, hubby will be getting me some Valentine's Day flowers to put inside it (usually white roses).This is a very easy project that you and your children can make just love to rip up things, so hand them the tissue paper and let them do it!Here are the supplies that you will need:Tissue...


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