Friday, April 23, 2010

Cutting Down on Germs in the Kitchen

The kitchen can be a breeding ground for germs. There are several culprits in the kitchen that are known to spread germs. The following tips will help you cut down on germs: Wipe down surface with a disinfectant: Every surface in your kitchen is used for something. A counter for preparing foods, a stove top for cooking them, the cabinets for storing things, the table for eating, etc. These surfaces are used frequently,...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Save $1 Now On New Dry Erase Markers.

Save $1 Now On New Dry Erase Markers. Good clean fun for kids. Worry-free for you. Expo Washable Package Expo®’s first line of washable markers provide: #1 teacher recommended brand • Colorful creativity with easy clean-up from most household surfaces • 6 bold, bright colors • A low-odor, non-toxic formula • Perfect use with Expo dry erase boards Save $1 Now Enjoy the first in ultimate washability today and...

Free "42 Ways to Recycle" eBook

Look what I found for you! Reduce, reuse, recycle. These are famous words that we've all heard before. Before throwing out all your trash take a second look at what you might be able to save. There are tons of crafts you can create with your recyclables. Look in the Recycle eBook to find out what you can create. Once you're done licking the yogurt out of the container don't throw it out, reuse it. You can be...

5 Easy Ways to Go Green For Earth Day

Earth Day is the day designated for appreciating the earth's environment and raising awareness of the issues that threaten it. The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970 introduced by Senator Gaylord Nelson, a US senator, to bring environmental issues onto the national political agenda. Earth Day is observed in 175 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit organization Earth Day Network. Earth Day celebrates its 40th...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ughh, I need to change my insurance :

We recently bought a new truck. I knew our insurance was going to go up butthis was just crazy. Our insurance company kept easing our premiums up on our old truck too. To find out, they had changed our policy from PIP (it was an old truck!) to full coverage when it was time to renew. Now the insurance for my older car has risen too. We are good drivers and I haven't had a ticket in a decade! We've been a loyal...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Living Organized - Free Kindle Ebook

Normally I put all book Reviews, Freebies, and Giveaways on my Book Blog Mommy Reads too Much but this one just belonged here.I'm a recovering messy and I'm continuously reorganizing because I'm a scatter brain. I hope you enjoy this book, I plan on diving into it as soon as I have time, I need all of the help I can get.Don't have a Kindle? Don't worry, you can download Kindle PC for yourcomputer...

Free Purses with Target Coupon

Yesterday I went to Target and got these two cute purses for FREE!I have a feeling they won't make it into my gift closet because they've been claimed! They were on Clearance for $5 and I printed up a coupon for$5 off any Merona bag from You can print the Coupon up twice! Which wasgreat for me since I need everything in twos :) UPDATE: It looks like the coupon has reached it’s print limit,...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Free Rimmel in All You Mag

There is a coupon for a free Rimmel product up to 5.00 in the April issue of All You magazine. It applies to trio eyeshadow, lash extender mascara, eye definer, natural bronzer, or an intense wear lipstick. Great deal! They have freebies all of the time! Don't have an All You Subscription yet?It pays for itself and then some with all of the freebies and coupons! <A HREF="">

Shape Magazine for only $1.49!!

Shape Magazine for only $1.49!!It's originally $14.97Use code BSXSHP& it's only $1.49!! HER...

The Real Magic of Harry Potter Sweepstakes

Found this amazing Sweepstakes for you! The Real Magic of Harry Potter Sweepstakes With two amazing theme parks, non-stop nightlife, and world-class on-site hotels, Universal Orlando® Resort is an entire universe of action and thrills for every member of the family. Now prepare to join Harry Potter™ and his friends as you step into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™. Explore the mysteries of Hogwarts™ castle, visit...

National Parks Week -Free admission

To make it easier to experience America's Great Outdoors, the National Park Service is waiving entrance fees, so visitors can enjoy all 392 national parks for free April 17-25. In addition, many national park concessioners are offering special promotions that are certain to add to your fun. Also on their site are activities for Teachers and Kids! ...

Baby Steps: Moving A Family To Whole Foods - Part I: Unburying My Head

I’ve been a homemaker for almost twenty-three years. I have my own way of doing things, and really, I thought I was doing pretty well. My kids are healthy, thank God. I try to make sure our meals are well balanced, with meat, vegetables and fruit, and we’ve even been working on cutting down on our meat consumption. All in all, I was happy in my complacency and ignorance, much like that proverbial ostrich with her...


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