Friday, May 14, 2010

Vote for our Writer Tawdra!

Vote for our very own Tawdra Kandle in this Fabulous over Forty Contest from More Magazine!Here...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Guest Post from Author Robin Wells

It’s only fitting that my book, Still the One, is coming out in May, because May is Mother’s Day Month. The book is about Katie Charmaine, a small-town hairdresser who wants, more than anything, to be a mother. She’d given up a baby for adoption as a teenager, and although she was sure she’d made the right decision for the child, her heart had always felt the loss. As the book opens, it’s two years since her husband...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kombucha Tea

Is it just me, or does it sound as though I’m swearing in a foreign tongue when I say that word? Kombucha! When I first heard someone mention kombucha months ago, I had no idea what they were talking about. Then a few friends brought along their kombucha tea to a meeting, and I tried some. It wasn’t bad. It was different, but it wasn’t bad. More recently, as I poured over Sally Fallon’s excellent book Nourishing...


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