Thursday, November 12, 2009

Eco-Friendly Etsy Finds

I love the idea of taking old items and making them into something brand new and use able. By reusing items you save money, reduce waste and it's doing something positive for the enviroment since these items won't end up in the land fill.Here are some great shops I found that have done just that. They are "Upcycling" and have some really awesome gift giving ideas.1. The first is Dr. Craze's shop with the Wine Wedge pictured...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Our Freebie Queen LaQuita found these great freebies for us!Free Hello Kitty Printable Calendar 2010Sign up for Hello Kitty's Sweet Happy News! and enjoy downloading this awesome 2010 calendar for your little princesses HERE Free Kids and Nutrition BookSo a couple weeks ago we talked about Kids and Nutrition on the Everydaymoms Webshow. I ran across a freebie from The Cancer Project. They are giving away a booklet full...

Tons of Free Music

Free MusicBy: LaQuita BergeronSargent House Samplerby Various ArtistsI really enjoyed this album. Before I downloaded it I made sure I at least loved most of the songs and my favorite so far is track number five, Chinchilla by This Town Needs Guns. Don’t let the name of the band scare you away, this song is a must have. I also added to my playlist track ten, David’s Birthday by Love You Moon. I don’t know what it is,...

Living in the Now

Living in the Now by Tawdra KandleFrom the moment that the pregnancy test comes back positive, or the agency calls to say that your baby is on the way. . however it is that we become parents, we begin with an incredible sense of anticipation that never really goes away. We’re waiting for the first kick, the first maternity clothes. . .and after the birth, for each and every milestone along the way. We’re constantly looking...

Princess and Fairy Children's Book Review

Princess and Fairy Children's Book Reviewby Mandie Stevens This book is beautifully illustrated and that alone drew my children to this book. They "had" to have me read it to them. The "Can you find it" articles and the Treasure hunt list with stickers made the book very interactive.Princess is a bunny-princess. Fairy is a bunny-fairy. And tonight is the Queen’s Grand Birthday Feast! Together, the two cutest bunnies...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure: Part 5 Can This Really Be A Way Of Life?

My Couponing Adventure: Part 5 Can This Really Be A Way Of Life?by Tawdra KandleI took a brief break from actively pursuing my couponing while my middle daughters were in California. With two people away and my husband on a special diet, there wasn’t much need to shop for anything than fresh vegetables.I did continue to faithfully clip and organize my coupons, and I actually used some outside the realm of the grocery...

Chocolate Milk: muscle recovery’s new best friend?

Chocolate Milk: muscle recovery’s new best friend?by Carolyn LawrenceFitness lovers everywhere can rejoice! Low-fat chocolate milk is actually good for you and muscle recovery after a strenuous work out. So, why is low-fat chocolate milk the perfect choice for a post-work out drink? Chocolate milk contains many of the nutrients the body needs for recovery.According to an article on the web site Medical News Today (2009),...


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