Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 3 of my One of One by Tony Horton Review & Giveaway

Week three of my review of the One on One by Tony Horton work out series.Bikini season is around the corner and the people from Beach Body gave me the opportunity to review Tony Horton's newest DVD set. He's the guy behind Power 90, P90X, and 10 minute trainer.Anyway, they are also allowing me to give away a complete 13 disc set to a Taking Time for Mommy reader, a value of $239.40!!Week 3's review is of the disc Killer...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Giveaways Galore April 2 - 9th

Here is our Weekly Linky. I won 2 contests last week, how about you? I'm asking other Bloggers to put there Giveaways here for my readers. They will go in Monday's newslett...

Aging Gracefully

They say with age comes wisdom… and wrinkles. I'll take the wisdom but whoever "they" are can have the wrinkles.I believe that beauty evolves as we age. I’ve faced the fact that as a 33 yr old woman who has had 2 children, I will never look 20 again. Nor should I want to. That being said, we should still take care of ourselves and age as well as we can. I'm trying. A few things we can do that will help - Taking in...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quick, Healthy, Springtime Dishes -- Featuring Herbs!

By Lidia Matticchio Bastianich,Author of Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy: A Feast of 175 Regional RecipesThe use of fresh herbs has exploded in the American kitchen today. I recall that as a young apprentice in Italy -- at my great-aunt's apron strings -- for every herb we had in the garden, there seemed to be a pot on the stove to match.Some herbs were better to cook with while others were better added at the end...

ABC Ties Review & Giveaway

Closed #10 tracyo congrats!My husband is very hard to please when it comes to fashion so I took my time browsing through the ties ABC ties and they have a lot of ties to choose from!I found him the perfect tie that he loved. It got me thinking about gifts for my Father in law, Dad, brothers, Uncles, you see where I going with this...Father's Day isn't that far away, especially when I can get a great deal now!This is...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Top 10 List for Hiring a Babysitter & Giveaway!

Hiring a babysitter can be a confusing task. There are so many things to consider as you face the task of selecting someone to care for your children in your absence, and you want to find the perfect fit between the babysitter and your family. Here are some of the most important things for you to consider when selecting a new babysitter for your children.1. The babysitter should be able to relate easily and bond well...

Priorities, Priorities!

True story time: last week, I was sitting at the kitchen table working with my son on his math lesson. One of my daughters called urgently; she was in the powder room, and someone had not replaced the last roll of tissue! I hurried off toward my own bathroom where we store the extras. On my way there, I passed through my bedroom, saw my computer sitting on my desk and was reminded of an email that I needed to send....

Unique Ways to Decorate Your Easter Eggs

No matter how you choose to decorate your Easter eggs it is always a fun experience. However if you are looking to change up your eggs from basic dyed eggs to something really different we have some tips for you. Dyeing Easter eggs does not mean that you are stuck simply dropping your hard-boiled eggs into dye. You can take any number of methods and use them to make your eggs really special. Best of all this can be a...

Are Growing Pains Real?

Do you have a child that wakes up screaming in the middle of the night? Children under the age of ten often experience a condition know as 'growing pains'. Many people do not believe in this mysterious pain, but many others do believe in it. Growing pains are not a disease and right now there is no evidence to support the fact that some people say their children are experiencing these pains. Do not just brush your child...


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