Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winner is!

We have a winner to our Cup cake Giveaway! Using .... the Winner is......Luisa Patterson!Congrats Luisa, I'll be shipping these out to you this week...

Three Ways to Plan a Frugal Christmas Your Family Will Want to Remember

Three Ways to Plan a Frugal Christmas Your Family Will Want to RememberBy: Denise WillamsChristmas has easily become one of the most expensive and stress-filled holidays we celebrate each year.That's a little ironic considering Christmas all began with the birth of a Baby in a lowly stable, and was celebrated only by shepherds who were out in the fields with their sheep. Two thousand years later, we still remember that...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Free Music From Sprout -Tons of FREE Original Toddler music Downloads from SproutHereFree Board Book!Just go to and follow the's easy and doesnt require any purchasing or cc information..completely free! It doesn't matter if you actually have the toy..all you have to do is select a leapfrog toy from the list they provide to link it..doesn't matter whether you actually bought...

Craft Project - Paper Pulp Snowball Snowman Head Ornaments

Craft Project - Paper Pulp Snowball Snowman Head OrnamentsBy: Shelly HillThis is a great project that utilizes some will need a fast-food drink carrier or cardboard egg box to make your own paper pulp.Ages: 8 and up with adult supervision.Supplies Needed:Cardboard Fast-Food Drink Carrier or Cardboard Egg BoxWhite Crafting GlueStyrofoam Ornament BallsBlender with tap waterOld Plastic BowlFoam Sponge Paint...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Free Music - Mercy Me

MercyMe, the contemporary christian band that is putting out some of the best new music in this genre, has made their live album "10 Live" available for a free download.If you go to, you will give them your name and your email address, and they will email you a code for a free download of the alb...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Crab and Corn Bisque - Hmmm Yum!

We eat a lot of soups during the Winter and this is one of my favorite recipes. I just made it the other night. One of my Favorite Recipes out of MY FAVORITE cookbook EVER! Seasonal Florida - A Taste of Life in North Florida. It has all of the recipes I've grown up with.Ingredients you will need -1 cup of unsalted butter1 cup of All-purpose flour4 cups of Shrimp stock - (I used Clam juice and the juice from canned crab)4...

Monday, December 7, 2009

But I'm skinny!!!

Well Kinda....... Sorry I've been away for awhile. I'm dealing with some health issues. We went shopping the other day & my sugar dropped, I was super anxious, it wasn't pretty.... my left eye was very blurry and I was extremely snappy! Oh the joys of Christmas shopping. Apparently I also have hypertension. My blood pressure peaks. Truely I thought this was something that only struck people who were over weight and...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being Grateful

Being Grateful by Tawdra Kandle As you might know from reading some of my previous articles, I am big into kids expressing appreciating and gratitude. I’m also very mindful of the fact that WE as parents are our kids’ first and most influential models. So in light of that. . .I’m grateful. . .for parents who raised me lovingly and strictly. They didn’t try to be my friends; they were always my parents, and I knew and...
We Love our Freebies here @ Taking Time for Mommy. Amazon is Giving away a $3 credit towards any of their mp3s Freebies from Amazon They also offer free music all of the time, just click the link above get your free music credit, then do a search for free music. You can find some great new artists!As always a special thanks to our Freebie Queen LaQuita for finding this for us.LaQuita is the owner of EveryDayMoms...

Organize Regular ‘Dates’ with your kids & Discover what Makes them Tick

Organize Regular ‘Dates’ with your kids & Discover what Makes them Tickby Claire McFee Author of Organize Your LifeIt’s a novel concept to schedule dates with our kids, but one that can not only have immeasurable rewards for all concerned, but in today's fast paced society is increasingly needed to ensure quality time together. Time set aside with your children one-on-one is worth its weight in gold. You will create...

A War Was Waged - Chore Charts

A War was waged. For quite awhile we were at an impasse. But my knight in shining armor came to save the day.I must admit, I was the one who invoked this battle to begin with, this battle in which I speak? Myself against 2 little princesses, 5 & 3. I woke up one morning and realized I no longer wanted to be under their rule, I no longer wanted to be their subject. So I formed an uprising. Okay I didn't form much...

Lovely Bones - A Book Review

My local book club is reading Lovely Bones for this month's selection. I wasn't exactly thrilled when it was picked due to the nature of the subject but boy was I wrong (you won't hear that from me much), this was a great book!The Lovely Bones is a 2002 novel by Alice Sebold. It's the story of a teenage girl who, after being brutally raped and murdered, watches from heaven as her family and friends go on with their lives,...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

And We have a Winner!

We have a Winner for our Partylite Antique Bronze refillable candle holder (pictured above) AND the Bestburn Iced Snowberries Candle refill! Using our winner is******************** Trishden!***************************Didn't win? But want one anyway? Go shopping on Joyce's Partylite Site to findThis beautiful candle holder is only $15.95 & the best burn Snowberry candle refill is $9.95Partylite has GREAT...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Grubby Cupcake Candle Tutorial & Giveaway

    ******giveway over***** This picture really doesn't do this craft any justice. These cupcake candles are so adorable and make great gifts for teachers, co-workers, friends, favors for baby showers, and more. These cute grubby cupcake candles are actually pretty easy to make too!I know I should have taken step by step pictures but I really didn't think of posting about it until afterwards. I also didn't...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twilight Saga Freebies

Most of the Staff here at Taking Time for Mommy are Twilight Moms and we are all giddy about the release of New Moon on Friday!In the spirit of our excitement we thought we'd share some Twilight Saga freebies that LaQuita found for us.Free Twilight Scrapbooking Template - Blogger, As Designed by Kat, has graciously decided to giveaway this awesome freebie to us Twilight lovers.This pack comes with -13 papers25 elementsDownload...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Eco-Friendly Etsy Finds

I love the idea of taking old items and making them into something brand new and use able. By reusing items you save money, reduce waste and it's doing something positive for the enviroment since these items won't end up in the land fill.Here are some great shops I found that have done just that. They are "Upcycling" and have some really awesome gift giving ideas.1. The first is Dr. Craze's shop with the Wine Wedge pictured...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Our Freebie Queen LaQuita found these great freebies for us!Free Hello Kitty Printable Calendar 2010Sign up for Hello Kitty's Sweet Happy News! and enjoy downloading this awesome 2010 calendar for your little princesses HERE Free Kids and Nutrition BookSo a couple weeks ago we talked about Kids and Nutrition on the Everydaymoms Webshow. I ran across a freebie from The Cancer Project. They are giving away a booklet full...

Tons of Free Music

Free MusicBy: LaQuita BergeronSargent House Samplerby Various ArtistsI really enjoyed this album. Before I downloaded it I made sure I at least loved most of the songs and my favorite so far is track number five, Chinchilla by This Town Needs Guns. Don’t let the name of the band scare you away, this song is a must have. I also added to my playlist track ten, David’s Birthday by Love You Moon. I don’t know what it is,...

Living in the Now

Living in the Now by Tawdra KandleFrom the moment that the pregnancy test comes back positive, or the agency calls to say that your baby is on the way. . however it is that we become parents, we begin with an incredible sense of anticipation that never really goes away. We’re waiting for the first kick, the first maternity clothes. . .and after the birth, for each and every milestone along the way. We’re constantly looking...

Princess and Fairy Children's Book Review

Princess and Fairy Children's Book Reviewby Mandie Stevens This book is beautifully illustrated and that alone drew my children to this book. They "had" to have me read it to them. The "Can you find it" articles and the Treasure hunt list with stickers made the book very interactive.Princess is a bunny-princess. Fairy is a bunny-fairy. And tonight is the Queen’s Grand Birthday Feast! Together, the two cutest bunnies...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure: Part 5 Can This Really Be A Way Of Life?

My Couponing Adventure: Part 5 Can This Really Be A Way Of Life?by Tawdra KandleI took a brief break from actively pursuing my couponing while my middle daughters were in California. With two people away and my husband on a special diet, there wasn’t much need to shop for anything than fresh vegetables.I did continue to faithfully clip and organize my coupons, and I actually used some outside the realm of the grocery...

Chocolate Milk: muscle recovery’s new best friend?

Chocolate Milk: muscle recovery’s new best friend?by Carolyn LawrenceFitness lovers everywhere can rejoice! Low-fat chocolate milk is actually good for you and muscle recovery after a strenuous work out. So, why is low-fat chocolate milk the perfect choice for a post-work out drink? Chocolate milk contains many of the nutrients the body needs for recovery.According to an article on the web site Medical News Today (2009),...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Free Taylor Swift Song!

My girls and I LOVE Taylor Swift! I was so excited to see another Freebie song from L. E. I. This FREE download is of her new single "Fifteen" As always. I choose not to include my phone# on the form and it still allowed me to download.Enjoy! Download HERE ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PartyLite Review and Giveaway

It’s no secret that I’m a candle addict. I was extremely excited when I got the chance to review the candles for PartyLite. If you know nothing about PartyLite candles you need to know they are NOTHING like the candles in Wal-Mart. PartyLite candles are packed with scent!The scents are available in several different sizes and broken up into different categories: Fruits & Citrus, Edible & Spicy, Floral, Fresh...

Free Holiday Music (Limited Time Only)

Free Holiday Music (Limited Time Only)by Laquita BergeronGlade is offering free holiday music until January 10, 2010.Enter 12 digit UPC to receive your free holiday music downloads:Just enter a UPC on the site and download away!Here are the UPC's for youBayberry Spice UPC 046500708633Homemade Gingerbread UPC046500709715Peppermint Crush UPC 046500708466HollyBerry Wreath UPC is a walmart exclusive item and so far not online...Note:...

Tawdra's Couponing Adventure: Part 4

My Couponing Adventure: Part 4: Putting It All Into Practice By Tawdra KandleYou might recall that my goal was to actually get out there and use these lovely, valuable coupons this week. So. . .here’s my weekly log:SUNDAY: I came home from church and grabbed the Sunday paper out from under my husband’s very nose. I spread out on the living room floor, first separating all the sections I needed (coupons, ads, comics....

Guerilla Mom Tactics

Guerilla Mom Tacticsby Tawdra KandleBeing a mom has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. It’s rewarding, yes. . .fulfilling, and sprinkled with some of the brightest and most wonderful moments possible. But it’s also gut-wrenchingly, heartbreakingly tough.So it only stands to reason that every mom needs to have a few tricks up her sleeve. These are not the kind of things you read about in parenting magazines....

Fall Clutter Control in your Closet

Fall Clutter Control in Your ClosetBy: Marilyn BohnAn aunt visited us a few years ago just after we had our living room carpet replaced with blue carpeting. As we visited she said she didn’t like the color blue. I was amazed that anyone could not like the color blue. After all the sky is blue and the ocean is blue.Now I have no room to talk as I don’t’ like the color brown—in textiles anyway. I like beautiful wood. I...


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