by Tawdra Kandle
From the moment that the pregnancy test comes back positive, or the agency calls to say that your baby is on the way. . however it is that we become parents, we begin with an incredible sense of anticipation that never really goes away. We’re waiting for the first kick, the first maternity clothes. . .and after the birth, for each and every milestone along the way. We’re constantly looking forward to that next thing.
I used to live that way, always looking forward to. . .something. On Mondays, I couldn’t wait until Fridays. In the winter, I was pining for the spring. When my babies were infants, I was excited about the day when they could walk or talk. I would often think, “Once they get through this stage, life will be so much easier. . .” And yes, some things do become easier, but there are almost always new challenges to replace the old ones.
There’s nothing wrong with a little anticipation. Looking forward to a trip or a special event only adds to the joy. As a believer and follower of Christ, I live in anticipation of the fulfillment of His kingdom. But when we live only for the days to come, we’re missing out on so much.
Sometimes we choose to embrace the promise of the future because the present isn’t so great. It might even seem as though the only thing getting us through each day is the idea of what tomorrow could bring. When our babies are tiny infants, they need so much of us. It can feel as though it’s never going to end. I remember my husband saying that when our first daughter was a newborn, he thought we would never again sleep through the night, eat an uninterrupted meal or finish a conversation. I am happy to report that almost twenty-one years later, that scenario hasn’t come to pass.
It’s not easy to find the good in each day. But it’s there. It might be hiding under the noise of a crying baby or behind the face of a sulking teenager. And the longer we’re parents, the easier it is to remember in each stage that this too shall pass. . .faster than we can know.
Tawdra Kandle is stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of four children who range in age from 8 years to almost 20 years. She and her husband of nearly 22 years live in central Florida, where he is in seminary. Tawdra spends most of her precious free time writing and reading, and she loves to travel.

Love this. Thank you for sharing.
Living in the now rocks! When you are at work all day (like me..), your 'now' is when you are home with your little one. So I don't always enjoy the 'now', but I sure enjoy and celebrate just about any little thing with my little one.. but then again, I miss a lot when I'm not there, maybe that's why I cherish our time together so much.
PS. If you are interested in link exchange, please contact me at keren@pettelmaternity.com
i miss having a baby, because my baby is now a little lady (4y/o)...
hope u visit my blogs real soon
life round me N you
earthy me
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