Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dark Corners Review & 2 Book Giveaway

      Dark Corners Description

  Ella Reynolds knew from the first moment she walked into the old house someone or something was watching her. Waiting. Her husband's violent murder sent her spiraling into a world of grief and isolation, but Ella isn't alone. Who or what is responsible for her husband's death is still with her. Darkness has engulfed the past year of Ella's life. Everyday reality slips a little more between her fingers as she struggles to break free from her memories. 

     She must look deeper into her past as well as the present to discover truth of her husband's homicide. A string of uncanny events takes place and practical explanations run thin as Ella follows the terrifying road to closure. As the past and present come to a head, Ella must decipher who or what the murderer is before it takes her as well. 

Mandie's Thoughts - First I want to say that I wasn't given this book to review but that I bought it. I know you'd think as many books that are sent to me I'd never have to buy a book again. Well this one came highly recommended on a book club I'm in and I figured it was only $2.99 for the kindle version, how could I not get it? As soon as I picked it up I couldn't put it down.

    Ella is so flawed. She's paranoid, crazy, and a drunk but I really connected with her (& not because I'm any of those things). From the very beginning you have to know why she's nuts. You know there has to be much more to it and as you read you see that there is something about her house...

    This book provoked so many emotions in me. I was angry, scared, curious, but most importantly entertained. I couldn't put this book down and it literally had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Dark Corners had me stumped and I'm really good at guessing the end. I was second guessing everyone and everything! I probably guessed every character in the book before it was over and I was still surprised.
    I honestly think Dark Corners would make the perfect movie, one that even my husband would watch..

                     I loved this book so much I contacted the author and asked if I would offer my readers a copy. She was kind enough to allow 2 copies to give away! Your choice of e-book (international) or print (US)
Mandatory Entry - Tell me you want it and promise me you won't jump to the end ;)
or if you go to Smashwords & use code SSW50
                                                      It is on sale for $1.50for their big July Sale!

Extra Entries - 
+1 Follow Liz's Blog Entering Bat Country  on GFC
+1 Follow Liz's Blog 4 Corners Press on GFC

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on GFC

+1 Follow Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook
+1 Friend Liz Schulte on Facebook 
+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Facebook

+1 Follow Liz Schulte on Twitter

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter

+5 Join our Time 4 Mommy Community (we have a book club!)

         Giveaway will end July 19th at 11:59pm. The winners will be chosen by and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to U.S Residents 18+ for the print version or international for the e-book
Enter to Win Giveaways Ending Soon
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debbie on Wed Jun 29, 07:35:00 AM 2011 said...

It sounds really good, I would love to read it. And I promise not to jump to the end of the book.

debbie on Wed Jun 29, 07:35:00 AM 2011 said...

I am a gfc follower of taking time for mommy

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest.I want this book. I promise I won't jump to the end. Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber.

T-Yelly-Sassy-Bella on Wed Jun 29, 10:21:00 AM 2011 said...


Judy on Wed Jun 29, 10:39:00 AM 2011 said...

This looks like a very good read. I have put it on my TBR list in case I don't win:) I followed everything!!

I would love to win this, and I never jump to the end (too much in a middle of a book to ignore).


Stephanie O. on Wed Jun 29, 10:41:00 AM 2011 said...

Mandatory Entry - Tell me you want it and promise me you won't jump to the end ;)

Extra Entries -

+1 Follow Liz's Blog Entering Bat Country on GFC

+1 Follow Liz's Blog 4 Corners Press on GFC

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on GFC

+1 Follow Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook

+1 Friend Liz Schulte on Facebook

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Facebook

+1 Follow Liz Schulte on Twitter

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter

+5 Join our Time 4 Mommy Community (we have a book club!)

I want it . . and I PROMISE to NOT jump to the End!

(I also did all the above, for the extra entries)


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win this book and never jump to the end of books :)
and extra entries:
+5 Join our Time 4 Mommy Community (we have a book club!)
+1 Follow Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook

+1 Friend Liz Schulte on Facebook

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Facebook


Rita M on Wed Jun 29, 02:00:00 PM 2011 said...

Yes, I would love to read this - no way am I jumping to the end!

Rita M on Wed Jun 29, 02:01:00 PM 2011 said...

Follow Time 4 Mommy via GFC - Rita M

Rita M on Wed Jun 29, 02:02:00 PM 2011 said...

Follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter - @4emsmom

Rita M on Wed Jun 29, 02:04:00 PM 2011 said...

Part of the Time 4 Mommy Community - Rita Melton - +5

Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:39:00 PM 2011 said...

Please count me in. This book sounds like a keeper and I promise I won't jump to the end.


Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:41:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Entering Bat Country via GFC

Juana Esparza


Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:43:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow 4 Corners Press on GFC =

Juana Esparza


Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:44:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Time 4 Mommy on GFC =

Juana Esparza


Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:46:00 PM 2011 said...

I Liked Dark Corners on FB =

Juana Esparza


Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:49:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Liz Schulte on Twitter =



Juana on Wed Jun 29, 04:50:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter =



Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:16:00 PM 2011 said...

I promise I won't jump to the end :) I'd love to win it!

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:17:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Liz's Blog Entering Bat Country on GFC

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:18:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Liz's Blog 4 Corners Press on GFC.

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:20:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on GFC

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:24:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:25:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Friend Liz Schulte on Facebook

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:27:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Liz Schulte on Twitter

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Darlene on Wed Jun 29, 09:28:00 PM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:20:00 AM 2011 said...

I would like to read this book, and I never jump to the end of a book.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:38:00 AM 2011 said...

I am following Entering Bat Country on GFC.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:40:00 AM 2011 said...

I am following 4 corners press on GFC.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:41:00 AM 2011 said...

I am a Time 4 Mommy follower.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:42:00 AM 2011 said...

I liked Dark Corners on Facebook.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:44:00 AM 2011 said...

I follow Time 4 Mommy on facebook.

Jeryl M. on Thu Jun 30, 01:44:00 AM 2011 said...

I am a member of the Time 4 Mommy community.

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:33:00 AM 2011 said...

I definitely want it! I love reading mystery/suspense/thriller books! And don't worry, i won't jump to the end. I don't really do that. Perhaps, i did once or twice before when i was so anxious to know the ending. lol

Anyway, thanks for the giveaway!


Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:41:00 AM 2011 said...

Extra Entries:

+1 Follow Entering Bat Country
GFC Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:42:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow 4 Corners Press
GFC Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:43:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy
GFC Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:43:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Dark Corners on Facebook
FB Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:44:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Friend Liz Schulte on Facebook
FB Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:44:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Facebook
FB Name: Danah

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:45:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Liz Schulte on Twitter

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:45:00 AM 2011 said...

+1 Follow Time 4 Mommy on Twitter

Danah on Fri Jul 01, 01:45:00 AM 2011 said...

+5 I joined Time 4 Mommy Community
Name: Danah

mverno on Fri Jul 01, 11:53:00 AM 2011 said...

i want it and i promise you i won't jump to the end

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. It is my type of book. I will enjoy the ride and not skip to the end. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Desmond said...

Count me in, please! and I promise...

dwarzel at

Deborah Wellenstein on Sun Jul 03, 06:50:00 PM 2011 said...

I want this book, and I also promise not to jump to the end!

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein on Sun Jul 03, 06:50:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Entering Bat Country via GFC as dwellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein on Sun Jul 03, 06:51:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow 4 Corners Press via GFC as dwellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein on Sun Jul 03, 06:52:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow Time 4 Mommy via GFC as dwellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein on Sun Jul 03, 06:52:00 PM 2011 said...

I like Dark Corners on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

i would love to read this and I would read every word lol
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

follow Liz's Blog Entering Bat Country on GFC
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

Follow Liz's Blog 4 Corners Press on GFC

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

follow u by gfc
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

follow Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook amanda s
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

sent liz schulte a friend request
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

like you on fb as amanda s
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

follow liz on twitter @aes529
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter @aes529
pokergrl8 at

anme on Tue Jul 05, 01:26:00 PM 2011 said...

I'm dying to know how it ends!

melorabrock at gmail dot com

anme on Tue Jul 05, 01:27:00 PM 2011 said...

I am following entering bat country on GFC

melorabrock at gmail dot com

anme on Tue Jul 05, 01:27:00 PM 2011 said...

I am following Liz's Blog 4 Corners Press on GFC
melorabrock at gmail dot com

anme on Tue Jul 05, 01:28:00 PM 2011 said...

I am following Time 4 Mommy on GFC
melorabrock at gmail dot com

anme on Tue Jul 05, 01:28:00 PM 2011 said...

I am following Dark Corners Fan Page on Facebook

melorabrock at gmail dot com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:35:00 AM 2011 said...

Sounds like a book that's right up my alley. Super curious what forces are involved. I promise to do my best to not skip to the end of the book.

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:40:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow bat country on gfc

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:42:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow 4 corners on gfc

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:47:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow time 4 mommy on gfc

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:49:00 AM 2011 said...

Like dark corners on fb

Fb, Gfc, network: Larissa Brunken
Twitter: lmbrunken

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:50:00 AM 2011 said...

Like liz on fb

Fb, Gfc, network: Larissa Brunken
Twitter: lmbrunken

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lmbrunken on Thu Jul 07, 02:52:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow u on fb

Fb, Gfc, network: Larissa Brunken
Twitter: lmbrunken

Lmbrunken (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts on Sat Jul 09, 03:09:00 AM 2011 said...

Yes I do want to read it! And no cheating by jumping to end pages! Tee

Terri on Sat Jul 09, 09:02:00 PM 2011 said...

I just wanted to say that I read this book today and it's great. I didn't want to stop until I finished it. So I didn't ha! A great read.

Ellie Wright on Mon Jul 11, 04:16:00 PM 2011 said...

This sounds like my kinds book. I'd love to read it and promise not to jump to the end.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright on Mon Jul 11, 04:18:00 PM 2011 said...

1 Follow Liz's Blog Entering Bat Country on GFC (ellie)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright on Mon Jul 11, 04:22:00 PM 2011 said...

I follow you on Twitter @eswright18
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Meridith said...

Looks great! I want it I won't skip ahead! :)

Meridith said...

+5 follow time 4 mommy


Meridith said...

+1 likeon facebook


Anonymous said...

I REALLY want to read Dark Corners and no matter how tempting it will be to jump to the end of the book, I promise I won't. I promise to resist that evil temptation!

Anonymous said...

I follow Entering Bat Country on GFC.

Anonymous said...

I follow Time For Mommy on GFC.

Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:54:00 AM 2011 said...

This book sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway opportunity. I promise not to skip to the end :)


Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:55:00 AM 2011 said...

Following Entering Bat Country on GFC Denise Zaky


Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:56:00 AM 2011 said...

Following 4 Corners Press on GFC
Denise Zaky


Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:56:00 AM 2011 said...

Following Time r Mommy on GFC Denise Zaky


Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:57:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow Dark Corners Fan Page -
FB - Denise Zaky


Denise Z on Sun Jul 17, 03:58:00 AM 2011 said...

Friend Liz Schulte on FB - Denise Zaky


Anonymous said...

I really want to read this book. It sounds very good. I want it and I promise I wont jump to the end. Please enter me in contest.

rubynreba on Mon Jul 18, 09:17:00 AM 2011 said...

I'd really enjoy this book and would love to read it and I won't skip to the end!!!

rubynreba on Mon Jul 18, 09:17:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow Bat Country

rubynreba on Mon Jul 18, 09:18:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow Time 4 Mommy

rubynreba on Mon Jul 18, 09:18:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow 4 Corners Press

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:25:00 AM 2011 said...

This book looks really good, I would love to win it! I would never jump to the end of a book! I promise!

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:27:00 AM 2011 said...

I follow bat country on gfc

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:28:00 AM 2011 said...

follow 4 corners press on gfc

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:30:00 AM 2011 said...

follow time 4 mommy on gfc

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:30:00 AM 2011 said...

follow dark corners on fb.. Becca Peters

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:32:00 AM 2011 said...

I friended liz schulte on fb.. Becca Peters

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:32:00 AM 2011 said...

I like you on fb.. Becca Peters

Becca Ann on Mon Jul 18, 11:33:00 AM 2011 said...

Follow liz on twitter as xxbeccaannxx

Liz Schulte's Blog on Mon Jul 18, 11:43:00 AM 2011 said...

You guys are are great! Thank you so much for the support. Those of you who read the book I hope you enjoy it! I would love to hear from all of you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book! I would like a print copy.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to read this book!

Shari Klyn on Mon Jul 18, 11:51:00 PM 2011 said...

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ~Paul Sweeney

I promise not to read that last page until the very end!

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:45:00 AM 2011 said...

This book sounds great! & I cross my heart...LOL...I won't jump to the end!
tlcrum06 @ att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:46:00 AM 2011 said...

following Liz's Blog on GFC as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 @ att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:47:00 AM 2011 said...

Following 4 Corners Press on GFC as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:48:00 AM 2011 said...

Following Time 4 Mommy on GFC as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:48:00 AM 2011 said...

following Dark Corners on FB as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:49:00 AM 2011 said...

Friend request to Liz on FB as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:50:00 AM 2011 said...

following Time 4 Mommy on FB as Terri S Crum
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:50:00 AM 2011 said...

following Liz via twitter as tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:51:00 AM 2011 said...

following Time 4 Mommy on twitter as tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:52:00 AM 2011 said...

Joined Time 4 Mommy Community as Terri S Crum: tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:52:00 AM 2011 said...

Joined Time 4 Mommy Community as Terri S Crum: tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:52:00 AM 2011 said...

Joined Time 4 Mommy Community as Terri S Crum: tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:53:00 AM 2011 said...

Joined Time 4 Mommy Community as Terri S Crum: tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

tlcrum06 on Tue Jul 19, 03:53:00 AM 2011 said...

Joined Time 4 Mommy Community as Terri S Crum: tlcrum06
tlcrum06 at att dot net

susan1215 on Tue Jul 19, 11:25:00 AM 2011 said...

Sounds like a great book

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 on Tue Jul 19, 11:25:00 AM 2011 said...

Like you on FB Susan Smith

susan1215 on Tue Jul 19, 11:25:00 AM 2011 said...

follow you via twitter susan1215

NICOLE on Tue Jul 19, 03:06:00 PM 2011 said...

I would love to win it and promise not to!

Sand on Tue Jul 19, 10:10:00 PM 2011 said...

I would love to read this book.


Dark Corners Review & 2 Book Giveaway

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