Our modern world has taken us away from personal interactions with people, and rarely do we hear the crickets chirping at night any more. So, what are we to do when all we want to do is relax with a good book, and simply enjoy the sounds around us?
Do just that. It’s a simple answer. We have to chase the kids around the house all day. Some of us, myself included, also have to chase furry kids around the house all day! LOL. In all actuality, we do need to somehow find time for ourselves. If we don’t take breaks, we will lose our ability to really focus on the needs of our families. It is so easy to get swept up in the chaos and noise of our daily lives. I know that I have found that if I don’t take some “me” time, I am not the woman I want to be.
The great thing about modern life is convenience. We have such conveniences, that it doesn’t require much for us to be able to get that “me” time. If it’s a beautiful day out, let the kids play in the yard and read an e-book on your laptop while you’re out there with them. If you want to curl up with a good book instead, take a few minutes, and have some night time tea and read before bed. If it’s easier, you can listen to a book on CD while you exercise. There are plenty of options for us book lovers to still enjoy a good book while living in such a hectic world.
No one ever said motherhood was easy. Motherhood and writer-hood aren’t easy, either. But, we have ways of making our passions, careers and hobbies work for us so that we can still stay focused on our families without losing ourselves. We all know how easy it is to forget about ourselves in the needs of our families. But sometimes, our families need us to take care of ourselves. So take those few extra minutes to read whenever you get the chance. It’s relaxing and enjoyable for you, and it will help make your family that much better! Happy reading!
L. E. Harvey is an author from Philadelphia, PA. She also works as an alternative and pinup model; but her main work is with her family of her partner, 4 cats, a dog, and her 4 year old step-daughter. L. E. Harvey’s fictional work includes books Loving Her; Unbreakable Hostage; Imperfect (due for release in July); Impeccable (the sequel to Imperfect. A current work-in-progress) and Frozen Solid (another work-in-progress novel).
For more on L. E. Harvey and her books, check out her website at www.leharvey.com

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