There is an awesome new website that will let you clip the fun things you find online to refer to in the future. You create customized clipboards to add your clips to. You can keep them private or share them with others. You can also add other people to your boards so they can add clips too! That way you can see what they add and they can see what you add.
This is perfect if you are planning a party with a friend! I can see where this could get very addictive. I made up a clipboard of books I want to read. I can add the buying links and how much they are so I just click the cover when I’m ready to buy it. Clipix is pure genius!
It very easy to use too. You search topics like…. where you want to go on vacation or shoes.
Whatever! You choose the picture to those awesome shoes you want to buy and ‘clip it’ You save the picture and get to choose what clipboard to add it to.
Am I addicted? Umm maybe. Will I be spending a lot of time on Clipix? Definitely
Check out the video and let me know what you would clip!
Then head over to clipix and sign up.

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